Group: Injection/Lyophilized
Subgroup: Peptide hormone
Dosage: 10 mcg/mg
Application (Men): 500-1000 mkg/day (starting dose 100-200 mkg)
Product pack: 10 ml
Content (active): Melanotan-2
Retains water: No
Aromatication No
Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of the peptide α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. The Melanotan 2 has an effect of aphrodisiac, proven in several researches. It also regulates feeding behavior & energy balance / protects against ischemia and acute injuries etc;
The most common desired advantage of Melanotan-2 is improved tanning effect — everyone can use it to get dark skin with minimal sun exposure. Also reduces appetite / enhances lipolysis (fat splitting).
Melanotan = peptide, so side effects from taking anabolic steroids are impossible here.
Adverse reactions are rare: suppressed appetite, possible hair darkening & freckles, dizziness, weakness. Used solely for tanning purposes; good when combined with other drugs / peptides / AAS