CAS number: 62568-57-4
Molecular Weight: 848.81 g/mol
Formula: C35H48N10O15
DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide) has an interesting effect on the deep sleep parts of the brain. It can be found in breast milk and treats insomnia and narcolepsy, convulsions and opioid alcohol withdrawal symptoms. When taken it relieves stress, depression and anxiety too. DSIP comes in a vial called Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptides 5mg/vial which contains 5mg of Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide.Its use was seen in reducing the activity of an enzyme when sleeping at night called NAT as well as adrenergic transmission modulation.DSIP works against opiate receptors which help fight off alcohol/opiate withdrawal syndrome.Mentioned above is how much you would take per day. Shot type: headache nausea fatigue dizziness.Anti-inflammatory dexamethasone exogenous hormones anti-inflammatory steroids cortisones antipsychotics..