CAS number: 12629-01-5
Molecular Weight: 22.260 kDa
Formula: C990H1529N263O299S7
DEUSTROPIN 4/12 (Recombinant Human Growth Hormone [Rdna Origin]) is used for children who don’t grow. It’s a hormone that has recombinant DNA origin and is polypeptide.DEUSTROPIN 4/12 is a growth hormone that stimulates growth in bone, cartilage and muscle. It pushes the body to produce more of its natural growth hormones. It can be used for kids or adults with weak growth hormones. It makes Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) which helps skeletal growth get stronger. Protein synthesis also increases with it, as well as lean mass.Fixed by weight under doctor instruction.Headache nausea fatigue vomiting weakness eye problems irregular heartbeats slurred speech joint stiffness impaired glucose tolerance.Oral hypoglycemic drugs steroids cyclosporine oral contraceptive macimorelin.